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We need your Support!

Join the Home of the Brave, Strong, and Giving.

Vulcana Circus is a non-profit organisation and relies in part on the financial support of its wonderful community. Every little bit helps and trust us when we say it does not go unnoticed; by us and by the subsequent artists Vulcana are able support as a result. Click on the following link to donate to Vulcana via GiveNow.

Where does your money go?

As a social enterprise, all profits are routed into projects that benefit the community.


Vulcana provides anonymous sponsored places in our classes for students from marginal communities. Your donation can mean access to circus for someone who could not otherwise attend.


Projects that collaborate with communities that greatly benefit from circus. This includes disability communities, culturally diverse groups, aged-care, rural communities, survivors of domestic and family violence and young people at risk.


Vulcana just moved into our new home in Morningside. Whilst this is a great facility, it needs rigging and construction work to covert it to a fully functional circus space to support our artists and students.


Donations help us with non-negotiable costs that keep Vulcana afloat and running as an organisation to do good work. This includes things like insurance, learning systems and equipment upkeep.

Other ways to support Vulcana

As a non-for-profit organisation, Vulcana needs official members. Join us by purchasing an annual membership at a very reasonable price. Our members have the opportunity to contribute a vote in our AGM (Annual General Meeting) and in exchange for your membership, Vulcana offers highly discounted Open Access training sessions and discounted entry to shows.

We understand that though you may want to help, not everybody is in a position to give financially. We appreciate your support any way you wish to offer it. This could be by spreading the word about Vulcana, encouraging others to donate, writing a great review on Google, volunteering as crew for one of our shows or simply by giving us constructive feedback about your experience with us.